
A Psychiatrist regularly assesses and treats people with memory problems. If your GP practice feels it is appropriate, they may refer you to a Psychiatrist for further assessment of any memory problems you are experiencing. The GP will usually perform a short memory test and may request some blood tests to rule out any other illness which could be affecting your memory.

The Psychiatrist will meet with you to take some further details about the problems you are experiencing, and may test your memory further. A scan of your brain may then be requested, and you will be asked to return to the clinic to discuss the results.

Psychiatrists work closely with the Older Adult Community Mental Health Team and may ask members of the team such as Occupational Therapists, Community Nurses, or Psychologists to see you.

A Psychiatrist may also recommend medication if it is felt to be helpful, although this is not always the case. They will refer you to the Older Adult Community Mental Health Team for post diagnostic support.