Your GP practice can see you to discuss any concerns you may have about your memory or dementia. They will be happy to see you, along with a family member or carer, for support.
They can arrange tests and assessments to see if there are any other reasons why you may be having trouble with your memory such as other physical illnesses or mental health problems, for example, depression.
Your GP practice will often be involved in the diagnosis of dementia. They may be able to diagnose you themselves or they may need to refer you to a specialist service, for example a Psychiatrist.
Your GP practice will make sure that you are prescribed the right medication and that it is monitored. They will look after your physical and mental health.
It is important to see your GP practice if things suddenly get worse. They can check to make sure you don’t have an infection or other medical reason causing it. They can speak to other professionals involved in your care if needed.
Your GP practice can also help you to think about planning for the future. They can make a note in your medical record if you have any preferences for how and where you will be treated if you become unwell. This is often called Future Care Planning.