Clinical Psychologist or Clinical Associate in Psychology

Clinical Psychologists and Clinical Associates in Applied Psychology (CAAP) are trained in understanding the ways people think, feel and behave. They have skills in how to help people adjust and cope with difficulties they may be facing in their lives.

Clinical Psychologists and CAAPs are trained to:

  • offer evidence based ‘talking’ therapies that can help with a range of mental health conditions
  • assess people’s difficulties
  • develop a shared understanding of these difficulties
  • work with people supporting others to reduce distress

Clinical Psychologists are also trained to carry out assessments of memory difficulties and other difficulties with thinking that are impacting people in their day-to-day life.

If you have concerns about memory problems, you may be referred to a Clinical Psychologist by your Psychiatrist or member of the community mental health team or dementia outreach team for a memory assessment. Not everyone who experiences memory difficulties will be referred for an assessment with a Clinical Psychologist. If you are referred the team will let you know about this.

Some Psychologists are also trained in specialist interventions to tackle stress and distress in dementia. They will work closely with a range of professionals and family members where appropriate, to recommend and provide person-centred approaches to your dementia care.

An ‘intervention’ is an action of some kind where someone gets involved to improve a situation or prevent it getting worse.